Arslan Saleem joined Cardiff University as Research Associate in March 2022. Prior to that, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Kyungpook National University, South Korea for 1.5 years.

He completed his PhD in Mechanical Engineering (August 2020) and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (February 2016) at Kyungpook National University, South Korea. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2011 from HITEC University, Pakistan.

His research area focuses on a wide variety of applications in the field of heat transfer, multiphase flows, nanofluids, thermal systems (heating and cooling), thermal management, aerodynamics, renewable energy, fluid dynamics, computational modelling, fluid-structure interaction, engineering design, and shape optimisation. In addition, he holds the experience of conducting systematic experimental and numerical research, data analysis, and presentation. His research profile shows his abilities to work independently/in-collaboration and to publish in high impact scientific journals.

Research Associate

School of Engineering

Cardiff University