Journal Publications

  1. Khosravi M, Lowes R, Ugalde-Loo CE, "Cooling is hotting up in the UK," Energy Policy, 174 (2023) 113456.

  2. de la Cruz-Loredo I, Zinsmeister D, Licklederer T, Ugalde-Loo CE, Morales DA, Bastida H, Peric V, Saleem A, “Experimental validation of a hybrid multi-node model of a hot water thermal energy storage tank,” Applied Energy, 332 (2023) 120556.

  3. Bastida H, de la Cruz-Loredo I, Ugalde-Loo CE, “Effective estimation of the state-of-charge of latent heat thermal energy storage for heating and cooling systems using non-linear state observers,” Applied Energy, 331 (2023) 120448.

  4. Ugalde-Loo CE, “Are we prepared to cool down in a warming world,” Oxford Energy Forum, 134 (2022) 47-50. 

  5. Bastida H, Ugalde-Loo CE, Abeysekera M, Jenkins N, “Dynamic modelling of ice-based thermal energy storage for cooling applications,” IET Energy Systems Integration, 4 (3) (2022) 317-334.

  6. de la Cruz-Loredo I, Ugalde-Loo CE, Abeysekera M, “Dynamic simulation and control of the heat supply system of a civic building with thermal energy storage units,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 16 (14) (2022) 2864-2877.